Zaylee: FOUND

ZayleeOrtizFoundZaylee Ortiz who was reported missing July 31 at about 2 AM, has been found in Huron. She is well, and in good spirits. More to follow.

Community Turns Out To Help Search

Wednesday evening, more than 50 Coalinga residents responded Councilman Adam Adkisson’s call to assist the police in an in-depth search for clues regarding the disappearance of ten-year-old Zaylee Ortiz.

Volunteers were sent out to specific areas of Coalinga in groups of four. Some went to Fox Hollow. Some to Stallion Springs. Some went out to the trailers near Coalinga’s closed hospital, and others went to the creek bed. In complete coordination with Coalinga Police Department, the citizens brought a number of volunteers to do what the limited resources of the CPD could accomplish.

When asked why they were willing to go out in the heat, most volunteers commented that they felt they needed to do something. They wanted to be part of a group that was taking action in this troubling time for the Ortiz family.

All volunteers were armed with a stack of flyers regarding Zaylee’s disappearance. More than 1,000 copies went out into the community. Earlier in the day, Ortiz’s siblings went out into the community to post those same flyers which were made up Wednesday morning by Coalinga Press in response to the Press Release from Coalinga Police Department.